Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Here's To You Miss Brocco

So, I have this roommate named Laura "laughs a lot" Brocco. She is awesome! Why you ask? Well I will tell you...

She LOVES Jesus will all of her heart

She Paints awesome pictures for our room

She Dances with her boyfriend (or shall i say Fiance) through a web cam

We share a love of Chic Fil A sauce

She steals all of my good pens

She always makes better grades than me

She is getting married about a month after me :)

She makes me laugh until I cry and then some- Did you know it is possible to hyperventilate while laughing?

She never goes grocery shopping, but still manages to find stuff to eat

She doesnt get mad when my alarms go off 16 times before i get up in the morning (or does she?)

She doesnt mind when i listen to High School Musical on a road trip :)

She Laughs at all of my jokes :) Even if they're not that funny

She has the best laugh ever
I love you Laura! :) <3

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


these are my roomies- And i Love them :)

What about Jesus?

After a conversation I had with Laura today, I am a little worried. OK, a lot worried. Terrified. My first emotion was confusion. then more confusion. then sadness, and later Anger. It seems to be a growing trend that ministries are teaching that Jesus is not the only way to salvation. In John 14:6 Jesus says "I am the way the truth and the life, and no one gets to the father except through me" What's amazing about being a Christian is the intimate relationship we have with God. So many other religions are based upon fear and good deeds. God wants us for who we are, after all- He created us. Thats where Jesus comes in. He was sent to earth as a living sacrifice. He gave up his life so that we could live eternally with our Father. The only way to God is through him.
Yet people are preaching something different. I suppose saying that you can get to God through any Religion, is a saftey net. This way your not offending anyone or making yourself seem close minded. What they are preaching reminds me of Shane Claiborne's book Irresistable Revolution. His "motto" is Love God. Love People. Follow Jesus. It's like they saw the first part and threw out the part about following Jesus.

Jesus- I want to be like you. You are perfect in every way. Help me show others your sacrifice for us, and how God's Love and will is for all people.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate

If I have to hear Palin say the word Maverick- or Biden refer to himself in third person again...i might shoot myself. Just sayin...