Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 Random Things

Well i know a bunch of people who are doing these- so i thought i would give it a try.

1. Popcorn is my favorite food. hands down.
2. I am not a big fan of Animals. and some people get mad about that. Sorry.
3. When i was in 6th grade i auditioned for a talent show and i danced to the Christina Aguilara Song "Genie in a bottle"- I made up the dance as i went. :) I didnt make the cut.
4. I was in the Johnathan Taylor Thomas (JTT) Fan club- and he sent me letters:) But they were not really from him :(
5. I once got broken up with because i "didnt have a personality."
6. I go through phases where i like to rock out to rap music. (generally lasts for like 2 days).
7. I have laughed so hard that i have peed my pants- on more than one occasion.
8. My 4 year old sister is one of the funniest people i have ever met.
9. I get a natural high from cleaning. Really. i love it.
10. I like making To Do lists (alot) and i love crossing things out- It makes me feel good.
11. In my head, I am a Really good dancer.
12. I really like Disney Channel Movies- Expecially HSM 1, 2 &3.
13. I like to blare music in my car and sing along super loud- AND i also like to turn the music down and sing super loud.
14. I am almost done with college and i have never been drunk (or tipsy) and i am damn proud of it. I am a prude- And i am proud.
15. I can quote Mean Girls
16. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is one of my all time Favorite movies.
17. I own a lot of pink.
18. I am looking forward to married life- way more than the actual wedding.
19. I like all of my beverages with extra ice. (except milk).
20. I will really miss living with Laura when i graduate-but i am looking forward to her calling me with her domestic issues (ex: how to turn an oven off. lol.). Jk Laura
21. The thing i will miss most about Jacksonville (besides People) will be Sala Thai.
22. My dream job is playing Cinderella at Disney.
23. Leigh and I used to prank call payphones at dinsey when we were bored.
24. I once got stuck in an elevator and it was the highlight of my spring break.
25. I am currently reading 7 different books.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My first time...

Today, the Bloodmobile came to our campus (yay!) I have always wanted to give blood, but i had to wait until i turned 18- but when i turned 18 i got a tattoo, so i had to wait one year- then after it had been a year-i went to India- and then i had to wait another year- and then when i went to give blood, someone entered my information into the computer wrong, and they thought i was still in India- Which i am not.
Today that was all fixed, so i finally got to give blood for the first time. :)
I sat in the chair and things were going good.
My bag O blood was all the way filled up and the nurse was weighing my bag and then putting in the cooler.
but when she walked away i looked down at my arm- and the needle had come out...
and my blood was pouring down my arm and dripping onto the table, i tried to tell the nurse, but she was kind of far and i was at a loss for words. She came back over and attempted to stop it, and i remember saying something like " i feel dizzy."

Then, I passed out.

If you have never passed out before- I wouldnt reccomend it.

When i woke up i really had no idea where i was.
There was about 6 nurses standing over me and putting cold cloths on my face and legs, and pouring water on my face. One nurse was asking me what my name was and if i could see her. Yes, I could see her- but i couldnt remeber how to talk. and i know my name- but i dont remember how to say it. Finally some works came out
"mhnnmnicolemhmmhm" or something like that.

It took me a few minutes to be fully awake and realize what happened.
One nurse came up to me and asked me if it was my first time.
Yup. It sure was, and how memorable.
Whoever gets my blood will be one lucky shmuck.